Online Booking Portal
The Better Sleep Clinic
Self-Service Online Appointment Booking
New & existing clients can use our online appointment management system to schedule consults (scroll down and click the button “Enter Appointment Management System”)
All appointments scheduled via the online appointment management system will be scheduled as “pending” until confirmed by The Better Sleep Clinic staff.
PLEASE NOTE: New clients must choose the “Initial Sleep Assessment Consult” appointment type (i.e. we won’t accept bookings for treatment consults until you have completed an assessment consult).
Appointments made via the online appointment management system must be paid for online at the time of booking (i.e. you will not be able to book without paying).
***If your organisation pays for your appointments, you can’t see an appointment time that suits, or if you prefer to talk to a real person, then email us at admin@thebettersleepclinic.com or text 0204 SLEEPY (0204 753 379) & we’ll get in touch***.