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But check out the frequently asked questions below before you do to save you time.

  • A 90min Assessment Session Costs $345incl GST (all clients must complete an assessment prior to commencing treatment)

    A 45min Treatment Session Costs $230incl GST

  • No. We are currently an online only service.

  • We are currently an online only service.

  • Yes. Go to the “For Patients” menu item and select “Sleep Clinic Booking Portal” or click here for the sleep clinic booking portal.

  • No. We are psychologists & are not prescribers. However, we are familiar with various medications & their effect on sleep so can advise on recommended medications for different disorders & medications that may cause/worsen insomnia.

  • Yes. We provide supported medication tapers for sleeping pills and other medications people have been prescribed for sleep problems. We have the experience & expertise to provide approaches that minimize rebound insomnia and other experiences people may have when trying to stop taking a medication.

  • No. We are a private clinic, you can engage us directly without a referral.

(Or you can skip the chat & book your own appointment here)

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